Saturday, July 26, 2014

IN the NEWS - Nun marking Christians in Iraq

"Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)--now known simply as The Islamic State (IS)--have
marked Christians for dimmi status and extinction: their goal is to eliminate all Christian presence from their new caliphate.
As their predecessors did 1,400 years ago, Muslims in the IS have given Christians four options:
1. Convert to Islam.
2. Live as dimmis under sharia law and pay the jizya tax.
3. Forfeit their homes, possessions, and flee the IS.
4. Die.
Christian homes and businesses have been marked with the Arabic letter Nun. It stands for "Nazarene," or Christian." Gary Lane/CBN
My times are in thy hand:
deliver me from the hand of mine enemies,
and from them that persecute me.
Psalm 31:15