Saturday, July 26, 2014

Creation Moment 7/27/2014 - "Diamond in the Sky"?

"Astronomers have identified what might be one of the strangest stars in our galaxy: an incredibly cold, ancient and faint white dwarf that has crystallized into a diamond the size of Earth.
In the case of this recently discovered white dwarf, astronomers believe that it has cooled and crystallized all the way to diamond,....
Thankfully, this particular white dwarf had a partner that gave away its presence to astronomers on Earth: a companion pulsar star dubbed PSR J2222-0137.
“If there's a white dwarf there, and there almost certainly is, it must be extremely cold."
However, this is cold in an astronomical sense and despite being 5,000 times cooler than the center of the Sun, the diamond white dwarf is still thought to be 4,892 degrees Fahrenheit." TheIndependent

Either "crystalized" into a Diamond-or was Created as a Diamond in the sky.....
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:3