Friday, June 27, 2014

Papal Notes - Francis Wrong Again

From the Catholic Leader----------
"PEOPLE were drawn to Jesus because he was a good shepherd – not a moralist, not power-hungry, not a revolutionary and not a hermit, Pope Francis said."
 Actually, Francis, didn't Christ say to the woman taken in adultery-- ...... go, and sin no moreJohn 8:11....sounds like a moralist to me....
"Jesus “wasn’t embarrassed about talking to sinners, he went to find them” and he felt joy going out, getting close to the people, listening to their problems and offering them healing, the Pope said during an early-morning Mass on June 26 in the chapel of his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae."
Actually not quite true. People who talk like this make it sound as though he went to the strip club to reach strippers or something. The sinners usually came to Him. Or He ran into them in public places or out-of-the-way places of solitude.
"According to Vatican Radio, the Pope looked at why so many people came to follow Jesus during his lifetime and not the many religious authorities at the time.
The Pharisees, the Pope said, overburdened the people with laws and requirements that could often be contradictory and, therefore, “cruel” because it was impossible to adhere to every single moral rule."
With all due respect---isn't that the Catholic Church today? I was just listening to Catholic EWTN in the car while on a pizza delivery, and heard them discussing the rules of whether lay people can touch the chalice and who can pour the wine into it and who can transport it....We all know the Catholic Church is based on man made rules that govern every move made in the Church.
"The Sadducees, he said, “had lost the faith” and used their religious authority to strike “deals with those in power: political power and economic power. They were men of power.”
Doesn't this describe the Catholic Church? Aren't they an independent nation at the Vatican? With a seat at the U.N. & their own banking system? Just saying....

And all the earth was in admiration after the beast.  

Revelation 13:3