Friday, June 27, 2014

GENESIS ROOTS: "Babel" of "Tongues"

Biblical key doctrines have their roots in Genesis 1-11. This is why these chapters should be defended by Christians---not undermined or ignored by them.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
that they may not understand one another's speech.

Genesis 11:7

It began as the world descended into the chaos of various "tongues", and here at the end the "churches" have descended into the gibberish chaos of mystical "tongues". There is an inverse relationship, for the tongues at the beginning were foreign languages organized by God. But the gibberish "tongues" in spiritual Babylon today is from the opponent of God--and is just that. Gibberish "tongues" of confusion.
It ENDS AS IT BEGAN-with Babel(yon) is linguistic confusion.
Modern CONFUSION of "Tongues" in Babel(yon)