Tuesday, June 10, 2014

IN the NEWS - Obama becoming Green Evangelist

Beware of false prophets,
Matthew 7:15
"President Barack Obama sums up climate change in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, which was printed in the Times on Sunday and will air on Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously on Monday.
But Congress is Congress, too. So, Friedman asks, do you ever want to just go off on members of Congress who deny that climate change is man-made and destructive?
“Yeah, absolutely,” he said with a laugh.
“The good news is that the public may get out ahead of some of their politicians,” Obama said, suggesting that as people see the effects of weather disasters like hurricanes and droughts, they might begin to change their minds.
“Those start multiplying, then people start thinking, ‘You know what? We’re going to reward politicians who talk to us honestly and seriously about this problem,’” he said.
The president stated that for the rest of his term he’ll aim to shift public opinion, which he hopes will help him shift policy." msnbc

Once again, an example of a possible way that spiritual "Egypt" could co-operate with spiritual "Babylon" when the mark-of-the-beast is implemented.
Spiritual "Babylon" implements it to appease an angry Father God...spiritual "Egypt" co-operates in the end to appease an angry Mother Earth
by setting aside a day to reduce our so-called "carbon footprints".
So why do we keep harping here on the GREEN RELIGION when we get a chance? To demonstrate to the wing of the Church that claims the traditional view of what the mark-of-the-beast involves could never happen because the world is to secular today to set aside a "holy day" to the Christian God....Think again.....Revelation tells us that the U.S. sets it up for spiritual "Babylon" here....It doesn't tell us exactly how it gets the rest of the world to go along--just that it does...

See Below...