Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Creation Moment 6/11/2014 - Fist Fights & "evolution"?

I have seen the foolish taking root:
Job 5:3
"New research suggests that the human face evolved to minimize injuries from punches during fights between males.
The study noted the evolution of human faces occurred as man's ancestors, known as australopiths, evolved to have hand proportions that allowed them to form a fist.
"The australopiths were characterized by a suite of traits that may have improved fighting ability, including hand proportions that allow formation of a fist, effectively turning the delicate musculoskeletal system of the hand into a club effective for striking," study author David Carrier, a biologist at the University of Utah, said in a university news release.

"If indeed the evolution of our hand proportions were associated with selection for fighting behavior you might expect the primary target, the face, to have undergone evolution to better protect it from injury when punched," he noted.
The study, published June 9 in the journal Biological Reviews, showed the bones that break most often during fights are in the same parts of the skull that show the greatest difference between males and females in both australopiths and humans.
"In other words, male and female faces are different because the parts of the skull that break in fights are bigger in males," said Carrier." CBS

Are YOU kidding? What UTTER NONSENSE.....
1) "MAY HAVE" isn't science.....
2) Male & Female faces are different because they were designed different.....
3) Notice---they don't provide any evidence for their claim---other than men & women have different facial bone structure. (always pay close attention to what these people say)
4) "Bigger" in males? Most males are normally bigger than females on average-DAH....
5) This smacks of Lamarckism....which evolutionists today claim they reject.
6) How does this nonsense wind up on a newsite as "news"?