Friday, June 20, 2014

IN the NEWS -GREEN High Priest lists his hopes

The High Priest of the GREEN Religion -AL Gore- lists his hopes......

"Exxonmobil, Shell and many other holders of carbon-intensive assets have argued, in essence,
that they simply do not believe that elected national leaders around the world will ever reach an agreement to put a price on carbon pollution.
But a prospective global treaty (however likely or unlikely you think that might be) is only one of several routes to overturning the fossil-fuel economy.

In the struggle to solve the climate crisis, a powerful, largely unnoticed shift is taking place. The forward journey for human civilization will be difficult and dangerous, but it is now clear that we will ultimately prevail. The only question is how quickly we can accelerate and complete the transition to a low-carbon civilization.

Five years earlier, denialists accused me of demagogic exaggeration in an animated scene in my documentary An Inconvenient Truth that showed the waters of the Atlantic Ocean flooding into the 9/11 Ground Zero Memorial site. But in Sandy's wake, the Atlantic did in fact flood Ground Zero – many years before scientists had expected that to occur.

Syria is one of the countries that has been in the bull's-eye of climate change. From 2006 to 2010, a historic drought destroyed 60 percent of the country's farms and 80 percent of its livestock – driving a million refugees from rural agricultural areas into cities already crowded with the million refugees who had taken shelter there from the Iraq War. As early as 2008, U.S. State Department cables quoted Syrian government officials warning that the social and economic impacts of the drought are "beyond our capacity as a country to deal with." Though the hellish and ongoing civil war in Syria has multiple causes – including the perfidy of the Assad government and the brutality on all sides – their climate-related drought may have been the biggest underlying trigger for the horror.

We need to establish "green banks" that provide access to capital investment necessary to develop renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and forestry, an electrified transportation fleet, the retrofitting of buildings to reduce wasteful energy consumption, and the full integration of sustainability in the design and architecture of cities and towns. While the burning of fossil fuels is the largest cause of the climate crisis, deforestation and "factory farming" also play an important role.

The American poet Wallace Stevens once wrote, "After the final 'no' there comes a 'yes'/And on that 'yes' the future world depends." ......before the quickening global recognition of gay and lesbian equality, ........ Though a great many obstacles remain in the path of this essential agreement, I am among the growing number of people who are allowing themselves to become more optimistic than ever that a bold and comprehensive pact may well emerge from the Paris negotiations late next year, which many regard as the last chance to avoid civilizational catastrophe while there is still time." bits 'n pieces from a RollingStone article by AlGore

Response to this non-sense....
1) A Global Treaty? Could spiritual "Egypt" be preparing to join with spiritual "Babylon" for setting aside a sacred day. "Babylon" to appease an angry "Father God" & "Egypt' to appease an angry "mother earth"? Or at least laying the groundwork?
2) Sorry Al, Sandy did NOT fulfill your prophecy about ground zero....just saying.....
3) The Syrian civil war is a multi-party war between various sides for power. Mostly rooted in the religion of Islam. There were record droughts recently in Panama, Botswana, Mexico & Texas. But no war erupted.
4) "Green Banks"? Meddling in who can buy or sell are we?
5) Paris talks are NOT the last chance for civilization Al....sorry dude....

...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,
 and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator,
Romans 1:25