Saturday, April 12, 2014

SCAM ALERT - Barbie's Mysticism....

Beware of false prophets,

which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15

----SCAM ALERT----
Barbie Breathitt is out touting the ability to teach you the mysticism of "Dreams" & Prophecy
--Of course, for a price--
NOwhere in the Bible does it teach that you can "teach" people spiritual dream interpretation.....

Anyone surprised that she, as one of the
so-called "New Mystics", would be
promoted by Sid Roth?
Of her new book she states -"Gateway to the Seer Realm" is flying off the shelf.  The demand for this book is incredible. Your hunger for God is inspiring. What you learn in these few pages willl encourage and restore your earnest for the supernatural."
Or as describes her newest book - "The Gateway to the Seer Realm: Look Again to See Beyond the Natural is written by a gifted Seer who has years of personal experience interpreting dreams and ministering in the prophetic realm. Dr. Barbie Breathitt shares valuable insight into understanding the ways of God and the supernatural realms of vision, dreams, healing, and destiny."

All this New-Age, mysticism PSYCHO-BABBEL for a price: See her announcement below--

"Spiritual PHD – May 2 & 3, 2014--$100.00

Product Description

Spiritual Training Workshop and Activations in Prophecy, Healing and Dreams (Deliverance)
When: May 2-3, 2014
Times: 6-9 Friday
9-6 Saturday"

New-Age MYSTICISM creeping into Christianity