Saturday, April 12, 2014

Creation Moment 4/13/2014 - Bryan College

Professors protest clarification of a Christian college’s statement of belief that affirms “creation” includes a literal Adam and Eve.
According to an AP story posted on the Times News, professors overwhelmingly voted “no confidence” in a trustees’ “clarification” of its creation stance that “states that Adam and Eve were historical people who were not created from previously existing life forms.”  The vote was 30–2 against the clarification by some of its 44 professors.

Professors protest clarification of a Christian college’s statement of belief that affirms “creation” includes a literal Adam and Eve.
According to an AP story posted on the Times News, professors overwhelmingly voted “no confidence” in a trustees’ “clarification” of its creation stance that “states that Adam and Eve were historical people who were not created from previously existing life forms.”  The vote was 30–2 against the clarification by some of its 44 professors.

Professors protest clarification of a Christian college’s statement of belief that affirms “creation” includes a literal Adam and Eve.
According to an AP story posted on the Times News, professors overwhelmingly voted “no confidence” in a trustees’ “clarification” of its creation stance that “states that Adam and Eve were historical people who were not created from previously existing life forms.”  The vote was 30–2 against the clarification by some of its 44 professors.

"DAYTON, Tenn. — The Dayton college named after one of creationism's most famous defenders is
embroiled in a controversy over Adam and Eve.
William Jennings Bryan helped prosecute the Scopes Monkey Trial. Now Bryan College could lose up to a quarter of its full-time faculty over a dispute that began in February when the trustees clarified the school's statement of belief.

The clarification states that Adam and Eve were historical people who were not created from previously existing life forms.
Since that move, the school's 44 professors have voted 30-2 no confidence in the school's president, with six abstaining; students and alumni have penned petitions over the controversy; and one trustee has resigned.

With the deadline now past for returning next year's contracts — which include the clarification — seven professors are leaving and the status of another seven is up in the air. Of the seven who are leaving, two are retiring, and one of them is retiring early." AP

"Late last month, Livesay told the Christian News Network that Adam and Eve are foundational to understanding original sin and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. If they were not historical people, "then the credibility of all Scripture is at stake," he said.
He told the news site that college students should be well-versed in the various theories of origin through rigorous discussion and debate.
"For believers to end the discussion as open ended, however, undermines the authority of Scripture," he said. "The merits of any theory must be judged by a literal interpretation of creation as recorded in Genesis." TimesFreePress
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
Mark 10:6