Sunday, February 16, 2014

IN the NEWS - "Meteorological Madness"

Is this just a coincidence?....Maybe...-OR-...a sign of things to come?...Maybe....I guess we'll find out in the near future.....

"The weather has been a bit weird this winter. There is method to the meteorological madness. And it has served to spread the weirdness around the world, from the American West all the way to Russia, a climate expert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
The drought parching California; those two snowpocalypses in the South; the unrelenting New England snow; the sopping soaking of the UK; short sleeves on Sochi's snow-hungry slopes.
"They are associated with that long-wave pattern, so they are connected in that sense," he said.
That "long-wave pattern" is like a whip that got swung in California and has cracked in all the other places.
Down the road a bit, at the Winter Olympics, it's practically springtime in Sochi, and it's that same jet-stream dragging in warmth that's boosting temperatures well above freezing.
But it gets even worse.
The jet-stream is moving slower than in past years, which means that all that ugly weather is hovering over places for longer periods, plaguing them with more of its nastiness than usual.
It has weather-beaten people in many parts of the world groaning the same moan: "I've never seen weather like this before." Are they exaggerating? Maybe not.
For the first time in its history, the California Water Project - a system of canals and reservoirs that provide water to two thirds of the people in the state's Central Valley -- set its allocation for all of them to zero.
If you haven't been living under a rock, you've heard about or felt the winter ills that have walloped the nation's Southeast.
About two weeks ago, less than three inches of snow turned the region's largest city into a gridlocked parking lot, where thousands of motorists sat for as much as 20 hours in their cars, while lows dipped into the teens.
Not that the Northeast is not used to snow, after all it's winter, and it's normal there. But the frequency of heavy snows has had leaders in the region huffing for a break.
London is used to rain, but this? The River Thames has burst its banks.
The Met Office, the UK's national weather service, said the recent series of winter storms "has been exceptional in its duration, and has led to the wettest December to January period in the UK since records began."
Can we chalk this wacko winter up to climate change?
Lapenta would like to know, too. Cracking that code will be very complicated.
But there is something else that baffles his team. Why has the jet-stream gotten to be so slow this year?
"That's an area of research that we're currently investigating. We don't have a clear-cut answer to that question," he said." CNN
But know this,
that in the last days difficult times will come,
2 Timothy 3:1 LEB
Since 9/11
South Pacific Tsunami
Queensland Floods
Alaska "Snowcane"
The "Ring of Fire" quakes
Recent volcanic eruptions in Indonesia & Central America
Haiti Quake
Record droughts in Panama, Mexico, Botswana & now California
Iceland Volcanic eruption a few years ago blacking out part of Europe
Japanese Tsunami
That meteor in Russia (people who saw & heard it thought the world was ending)
Meteorological Madness of 2014...