Monday, February 17, 2014

Creation Moment 2/18/2014 - Bill & Bill Post Debate Rant

"Bill Maher interviewed Bill Nye on Friday night’s “Real Time” program to revisit Nye’s evolution-versus-
creationism debate with Ken Ham.
“I respect his passion,” Nye said of Ham’s creationist stance. “At first I thought maybe he’s a charlatan who’s just trying to take advantage of people, but I think he might really believe it.”
“Oh he totally believes it,” Maher concurred, “which is why I don’t respect him.”
Nye noted his concern over what students are being taught in schools. “If we raise a generation of students (that is) scientifically illiterate, we’re not going to have the next iPhone, we’re not going to have the next innovation.”" TheBlaze
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Psalm 14:1