Wednesday, January 1, 2014


     And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free..... thy word is truth.      
John 8:32 / 17:17

"Truth has a power to elevate the receiver. If Bible truth exerts its sanctifying influence upon the heart and character, it will make believers more intelligent. A Christian will understand his responsibilities to God and to his fellow men if he is truly connected with the Lamb of God, who gave His life for the world. Only by a continual improvement of the intellectual as well as the moral powers can we hope to answer the purpose of our Creator.
God is displeased with those
who are too careless or indolent
to become efficient, well-informed workers.

The Christian should possess more intelligence
and keener discernment than the worldling.

The study of God's word is continually expanding the mind and strengthening the intellect. There is nothing that will so refine and elevate the character, and give vigor to every faculty, as the continual exercise of the mind to grasp and comprehend weighty and important truths." Testimonies For The Church vol.4, p.545 E.G.W.