Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Creation Moment 1/1/2014 - Zebra-cadabra

"The stripes on zebras are remarkable for their starkness and symmetry, with some stripes going horizontal and some vertical.  Such bold markings do not blend into the background to provide camouflage.  Why would they announce to predators “Here I am”?  Are they for social communication?  Then why are both males and females and young all striped?  At long last, the BBC News was proud to announce that the mystery of the stripes has finally been ‘explained’ (quotes theirs), at least for the satisfaction of “evolutionary biologists.”  The new theory is: “Zebras’ bold stripes protect the animals by masking their movements.”   All those moving stripes create an optical illusion when predators or biting insects approach.
One of the researchers compared the stripes to the barber-pole illusion or the wagon-wheel illusion (when the spokes appear to turn backward).  The problem with those analogies is that we know barber poles and wagon wheels are intelligently designed.  Darwinism needs to account for zebra stripes by undirected, mindless processes." CEH
And God said ,
Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
Genesis 1:24