Sunday, January 19, 2014

The "Really" File - ("Sainthood" fees?)

Give a silly answer to a silly question,
and the one who asked it will realize that he's not as smart as he thinks.   
Proverbs 26:5 GNT
They actually charge a fee for "Sainthood" applications?
"Saint" Joan of Arc...
Who footed her bill for a sainthood application?
Just wondering....
"Vatican City (AFP) - The Vatican has said it is cutting the costs of sainthood applications, which can reportedly spiral up to a million dollars (735,000 euros), in a move that could boost candidatures from the developing world.
Cardinal Angelo Amato, who heads up the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, was quoted by the Vatican's official Osservatore Romano daily on Wednesday as saying the change is aimed at removing "inequality".

Hold on a minute....did he say "inequality" as it relates
to the application process for "sainthood"?..
So now Marxist rhetoric has seeped into
the granting of "sainthood" status?
The class warfare of sainthood selection...? LOL...
Wait, there's more...

From the "Really" File
"Applications for sainthood can take years and costs include legal fees and travel bills for medical experts from around the world who are often called on to verify supposed medical miracles attributed to would-be saints.
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis was cited by the Huffington Post as saying the price of canonisation campaigns range between $250,000 and $1 million -- with a lot of money coming from ordinary parishioners.
The price-tag means bids for candidates from the developing world have until now had less chance of success but the Vatican is now introducing a "fixed tariff" aimed at cutting costs, Osservatore Romano said." YahooNews