Sunday, January 19, 2014

IN the NEWS - NFL Prayers....

"Roughly 1-in-5 sports fans (19%) and similar numbers of all Americans (22%) believe that God plays a role in determining the outcomes of sporting events.
Football fans stand out in their belief in the supernatural. Compared to other fans, football fans are more likely to see supernatural forces at work in their favorite sport (55% vs. 44%).   

Just ahead of the 2014 Super Bowl, half of sports fans see some aspect of the supernatural at play in sports,
meaning they either pray to God to help their team, have thought their team was cursed at some point in time, or believe that God plays a role in determining the outcome of sporting events.
More than one-quarter (26%) of sports fans report having prayed for God to help their team, while more than 7-in-10 (73%) say they have never done this.
• White evangelical Protestants (38%), white mainline Protestant (33%) and minority Protestant (29%) sports fans are considerably more likely than Catholic (21%) or religiously unaffiliated (15%) fans to say they have prayed for their team.
• Southern (30%) and Midwestern fans (29%) are more likely to report praying to God for help than those fans living in the West (24%) or Northeast (20%).
• Americans who report having prayed to God for their team are much more likely than those who have not to believe God plays a role in determining the outcomes of sporting events (37% vs. 12%)."
Now I'm, going out on a limb here, so I hope the bough doesn't break, but I'm pretty sure God doesn't care about "prayers" for NFL teams....just saying....
Love not the world,
 neither the things that are in the world.
1 John 2:15