Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Identity of the Little Horn: Pt.11 - IN the NEWS today.....

#11: Identity of the Little Horn - IN the NEWS today.... literally......

Hmmm...interesting that the Little Horn power makes the news today on the heels of the 10 attributes to identify it....by exhibiting attribute #10 from yesterday.... good timing "Little Horn"....thanx 4 "helping" out today....

....whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20
"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday asked the Vatican to help win the release of an American contractor who has been in jail in Cuba since 2009.

Kerry, the first Catholic U.S. secretary of state in more than 30 years, stopped at the Vatican on his way to Kuwait to hold talks with Pope Francis' top aide, Secretary of State Archbishop Pietro Parolin.
"We talked also about Cuba and the need for respect for freedom of religion and freedom of, and respect for, human rights," Kerry told reporters after the meeting.
"I raised the issue of Alan Gross and his captivity, and we hope very much that there might be able to be assistance with respect to that issue," he said.
The Vatican has relatively good diplomatic relations with Cuba. Former Pope Benedict and the late Pope John Paul both made major visits there.
The position held by Parolin, who will be elevated to the rank of cardinal next month, is the second most senior in the Vatican hierarchy after the pope and its holder is sometimes called the "deputy pope"." Reuters

1) The only remaining "super power" of the world, the U.S., needs to turn for help from the tiny nation-state of the Vatican? Interesting....
2) The atheistic communist Castro regime in Cuba is on friendly terms with the nation-state of the Vatican? Interesting....