Friday, December 13, 2013


"Christians looking for health coverage can skip Obamacare if they have religious objections to buying insurance that covers abortions. But they have to sign up for an alternative, like a health care sharing ministry.

The Affordable Care Act exempts anyone who participates in one of those types of groups.
Health care sharing is not medical insurance. But it does involve like-minded people helping to pay each other's medical costs.
At least three established ministries fit the law's requirements: Medi-Share, Samaritan Ministries and Christian Healthcare Ministries.
Health sharing ministries typically require Christians to sign a statement of faith in Jesus Christ and pledge to live by biblical standards.
For example they must agree not to abuse alcohol or other drugs, and not to have sex outside of a Christian marriage." CBN

"Medi-Share brings believers together to share each other’s healthcare costs. It’s a modern-day version of what the church started back in the book of Acts."
Samaritan Ministries
"Simply put, health care sharing is a Biblical approach to paying for health care, based on passages such as Galatians 6. Verse two says, “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” That law is the royal law of loving one another."
Christian Healthcare Ministries
"Christian Healthcare Ministries is not a health insurance company. Rather, we are a group of thousands of Christians across the United States and around the world who share each other’s burdens in the area of health care costs."

Dear friend,
I hope all is well with you and
that you are as healthy in body
as you are strong in spirit.
3 John 1:2 NLT