Friday, December 13, 2013


"The Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation told to TheBlaze on Thursday morning that sports network ESPN has rejected a Christmas-themed commercial from the Catholic organization because of its reference to celebrating “the birth of Jesus” and “God’s healing message.”
The foundation, which raises funds for its SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center, a Catholic institution in St. Louis, Mo., said that its commercial, which encourages the public to write holiday messages for sick children, was most definitely rejected by ESPN for religious reasons.
“The spot has never been questioned,” Buck told TheBlaze of its usage by past outlets. “Missouri Valley submitted on our behalf and told us that the spot had been rejected and we would need to edit out ‘Jesus’ and ‘God’ in order to make it palatable for (ESPN).”
“They directly said the words in their quote ‘Jesus and God are problematic,’” Buck added. “We’re obviously very disappointed in their decision.” TheBlaze
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SO now, even on a private network (not government) it is OFFENSIVE to mention the name of Jesus in the context of "CHRISTmas"? How lame of ESPN.....But then on the other hand--what do you expect from a network filled with millionaires who make money off of playing "games"....a network driven by egos and used to divert attention & resources away from what matters....the soul.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7