Monday, December 23, 2013

Celebrating Christmas from Amazing Facts

From Amazing Facts on Christians & Christmas
"Most Christians around the globe observe December 25 as a holiday to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. (Of course, even many non-Christians now celebrate this festival with gift giving and social gatherings.) Yet the exact date of Jesus’ birth is unknown, and as the origins of Christmas understood by most people are being called into question, some are beginning to wonder if Christians should participate.....First, it is clear that the Bible does not contain a command to keep Christmas as a sacred day,....What about the origins of Christmas? Concerns about pagan elements in this holiday are nothing new. Controversies over Christmas go back hundreds of years. The Puritans in England actually led the English Parliament to ban Christmas for a period of time as a “popish festival with no biblical justification” .

Even in Colonial America there was a time (1659) when Christmas was outlawed. More recently, secular elements of society have faced off with religious groups over nativity scenes and crosses on public property.
The Bible certainly highlights the birth of Christ (Luke 2:7). It not only describes the glorious announcement of the Messiah’s birth (v. 13) but also tells of shepherds coming to worship the newborn child (v. 16). These humble worshippers were not quiet about what they saw either (v. 17). Furthermore, there is a record of wise men from the east bringing gifts to Jesus—though this likely occurred when Jesus was a toddler.
Aside from its pagan elements, most people understand that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. But in practice, people spend more time in December cruising shopping malls than studying the life of the Savior. Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer compete with wise men and shepherds for our attention.
How would our churches be strengthened if, during this holiday time, believers explored the prophecies of Christ’s first advent as well as His second advent? Perhaps our concerns about Christmas should have less to do with its pagan origins and more with its current practice.
 As Paul said, "He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord" (Romans 14:6), and, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31)." AmazingFacts