Friday, November 15, 2013

Jeroboam:10 Lessons about Worship pt.7

Jeroboam "adjusts" the ministry:
And he made an house of high places,
and made priests of the lowest of the people,
which were not of the sons of Levi.
1 Kings 12:31
2 gay clergy who are also "partners"
(members of the Lutheran Church)
And he ordained him priests for the high places,
and for the devils,
and for the calves which he had made.
2 Chronicles 11:15
A more "inclusive" church of Jeroboam
You can hear the echo of Jeroboam today in the churches-as they adjust the ministry by asking "why should ordination be only for the men from Levi"?
Or, as some now do, the ordination of gay priests & pastors in some churches.
Opening up the priesthood to all would surely appeal to a sense of "social justice" in the eyes of the world....