Saturday, November 16, 2013

Creation Moment 11/17/2013 - Houston, we have a problem

 "Our bodies can’t take extended space travel.
Science Daily reported, “Houston: we have a problem.”  Italian scientists studied epithelial cells growing in the International Space Station and found them aging much more rapidly than on earth.  “Space-flown cells differentially expressed more than 1,000 genes and secreted high amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines,” they discovered.  “Ultimately, this induced significant oxidative stress, causing inflammation among endothelial cells, which in turn, led to atherosclerosis and cell senescence (biological aging).”
So unless future space travelers have kids quick and train them well, long trips seem unlikely.  And who knows what other deleterious effects will be found on the body during exposure to microgravity and cosmic rays?  “We’ve evolved to rely on gravity to regulate our biology, and without it, our tissues become confused,” the journal editor remarked.  “Worst of all: they age faster!”
......... we didn’t “evolve to” rely on gravity.  We were created to thrive on the environment we were given.  The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man Psalm 116:15." CEH