Monday, October 7, 2013

IN the NEWS - How 'ya get the Mark of the Beast implemented

"Protestants, too, stray from core Christian teaching while clinging to the Christian label.

“‘Survey Christians’ are often people who feel guilty saying they are not as religious as their parents,” said Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research. “They don’t want to say ‘atheist’ — since that’s way too far — but they are not really ‘committed,’ so they just say ‘Christian’ since it is the default category from their heritage.”
That lack of doctrinal knowledge is especially apparent when researchers cut to the theological core: questions of salvation.
In a 2011 LifeWay survey  of pastors and people who attend Protestant churches, one in four churchgoers (26 percent) agreed that “If a person is sincerely seeking God, he/she can obtain eternal life through religions other than Christianity.”
This is also particularly true among the young. A separate LifeWay study of 1,200 young adults under age 30 found:
  • Nearly three in four (72 percent) call themselves “more spiritual than religious.”
  • More than two in three say they rarely or never pray with others, attend worship services, or read the Bible or other sacred texts.
  • More than one in four (28 percent) said God is “just a concept,” and four in 10 said the devil is merely a symbol.
  • Only half said that “Believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to get to heaven.”
Thom Rainer, the president of LifeWay Christian Resources who cited the research in his book on these 18-to-29-year-old millennials, called the Nominals “mushy Christians.”"RNS

These "mushy" sheeple will be easily manipulated-especially in a global crises of natural disasters or economic collapse on unheard of levels in human history - although it was predicted for human history - And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: Daniel 12:1
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17