Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Danny Davis Blasphemous Birth Story (yarn)

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.   
Matthew 12:31
Real Blasphemy of TV Evangelist
Danny Davis claims his mother-
1) Was visited by the Lord before his birth - with the name "Daniel" written on the wall. (He snagged that from the visitation of Mary & the writing on the wall by the hand of the Lord in Daniel)
2) She was supposedly told she would have a "manchild" (He snagged that from the "Manchild", which is Christ, being born in Revelation 12)
3) Has no problem comparing his birth to that of Samuel.....

Below is a paragraph from his actual website...
"As she laid down one afternoon she received a vision of a baby boy sitting under a bright ray of light. The same evening she received a visitation from the Lord. She saw the name DANIEL written
on the wall. The Lord spoke to her that she would have a “manchild” and that he would preach the judgements of God to His people. His name was to be Daniel. A few months later she gave birth to a son. Like Samuel of old....Danny Davis was a seed-faith gift given to God before birth."
From Danny Davis website

How DISGUSTING....SERIOUSLY, who in their right mind believes him or gives this guy money?