Saturday, August 3, 2013

SDA Issues - The Source?

Examine me, O LORD,
and prove me;
try my reins and my heart.
Psalm 26:2
"In our work no side issues must be advanced until there has been a thorough examination of the ideas entertained, that it may be ascertained from what source they have originated."
Special Testimonies E.G.W.

From what source comes the divisive issue of women ordination?
From what source comes the divisive issue of "celebration" services (dividing congregations over music styles into a traditional & contemporary service Sabbath mornings).
From what source comes the divisive issue of homosexuality into the Church discussion? (Has God changed because it the 21st century? Has He also then changed His position on other acts He lumped into the same category such as adultery, witchcraft or bestiality?)
From what source comes the attack on the core doctrine of the Sanctuary?
From what source does "higher criticism" stem, as it crawls creeping into the Church?
.......I would suggest it's the same source---& it isn't God........