Saturday, August 3, 2013

Argentina: Adventist History

* 1886 - A Swiss Waldensian living Argentina receives a package from Europe with a paper mocking an SDA baptism. He became curious and began to study himself into the truth.

* 1890 - A group of 4 Russian & German families (one had previously lived in Argentina) sold their Kansas farms and decided to go to Argentina to spread the Everlasting Gospel. They arrived on a Friday. A gentlemen offered to allow them to stay in his home temporarily. When they said why they had moved from Kansas to Argentina, the gentleman said he had heard of this Sabbath message while in Europe. That Sabbath the man worshipped with them.

* 1891 - First SDA colporteurs arrived from North America (C.A. Nowlin, A.B. Stauffer & E.W. Snyder).

* First two evangelists followed, the brothers F.H. & J.W. Westphal.

* 1899 First SDA school opened with 29 students (River Plate Jr. College)-built by a man from Uruguay.
Pedro Kalbermatter

* Early SDA hero- Pedro Kalbermatter, born of Swiss parents. Drafted into the military, he refused to work on Sabbath. He was whipped until unable to stand and jailed. At a hearing of officers & a Catholic priest, he defended himself well enough that a national law was passed allowing SDA's in Argentina to be excused from Sabbath work in the military. And what became of Pedro? He went on to be a missionary nurse to Peru. He died in 1968 back home in Argentina. His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Matthew 25:23