Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Deformity, Imbecility, Disease & Human Suffering

"Since the fall in Eden, the race has been degenerating. Deformity, imbecility, disease, and human suffering have been pressing heavier and heavier upon each successive generation since the fall, and yet the masses are asleep as to the real causes. They do not consider that they themselves are guilty, in a great measure, for this deplorable state of things. Man has disregarded the laws of his being, and disease has been steadily increasing. The cause has been followed by the effect. He has not been satisfied with food which was the most healthful; but has gratified the taste even at the expense of health. "
Selected Messages Vol.2, p.411 E.G.W.
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22