Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Creation Moment 3/20/2013 - Informational Signal in DNA Found

"Bio-scientists are reeling at the implications of new research published in the prestigious planetary science journal Icarus, which indicates the DNA code of all life on earth contains a pattern that indicates deliberate design.
“As the actual scenario for the origin of terrestrial life is far from being settled, the proposal that it might have been seeded intentionally cannot be ruled out. A statistically strong intelligent-like “signal” in the genetic code is then a testable consequence of such scenario,” the Icarus reseachers note.
“Here we show that the terrestrial code displays a thorough precision-type orderliness matching the criteria to be considered an informational signal. Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of the same symbolic language. Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing rather than of stochastic processes (the null hypothesis that they are due to chance coupled with presumable evolutionary pathways is rejected with P-value < 10-13). The patterns display readily recognizable hallmarks of artificiality, among which are the symbol of zero, the privileged decimal syntax and semantical symmetries. Besides, extraction of the signal involves logically straightforward but abstract operations, making the patterns essentially irreducible to natural origin. Overall, while the code is nearly optimized biologically, its limited capacity is used extremely efficiently to pass non-biological information.”

Stripped of its scientific language, what the researchers believe they have found a message hidden in the DNA code of all living organisms that cannot be explained by chance, and which strongly adheres to the principles of mathematics and human language concepts, displaying “readily recognizable hallmarks of artificiality”." InvestigateDaily.co.NZ
So God created man in his own image,
Genesis 1:27