Friday, February 22, 2013

Creation Moment 2/23/2013 - More Big Bang Troubles

"Wright claims that large scale structures in the universe can be created in the time since the Big Bang given the existence of dark (non-baryonic) matter in the right amounts. There are two errors here. Even calculations by advocates of the Big Bang show that the structures we observe would take about 5 times as long as the Hubble time(the hypothetical time since the Big Bang) to form, even with dark matter. And, second, there is no evidence that dark matter exists.

Galaxies are organized into filaments and walls that surround large voids that are apparently nearly devoid of all matter. These voids typically have diameters around 140-170Mpc(taking H=70km/sec/Mpc) and occur with some regularity. These are merely the largest structures commonly observed in present-day surveys of galaxies. Still larger structures exist, but are few in number for the simple reason that they are comparable in size with the scope of the surveys themselves.

Since the observed voids have galactic densities that are 10% or less of the average for the entire observed volume, nearly all the matter would have to be moved out of the voids.
To give the maximum leeway to the BB theory, we look at work that assumes some explosive mechanism created the voids, which would be much faster than if they were formed by gravitational attraction. For a cold dark matter Big Bang model, the time T in years, of formation of a void R cm in diameter in matter with density n/cm3 and final, present-day, velocity V cm/s is:
T=1.03n-1/4V-1/2 R1/2
For V=220Km/sec, R=85 Mpc and n =2.4x10-7 /cm3 (assuming the ratio of baryons to photons, h=6.14x 10-10), T= 158Gy. This is 11.6 times as long as the Hubble time. Even if we increase n to reflect current assumptions about dark matter being some 6 times as abundant as ordinary matter, we still get 100 Gy, or 7.4 times the Hubble time. This is actually a bit worse than the figure we arrive at by just diving the distance moved by the current velocity, which ends up as 6.3 time the Hubble time." Eric J. Lehner
For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
Psalm 33:9