Friday, January 25, 2013

ESRA- Constitution & word "Sabbath"

Environmental &
Social Responsibility Amendment
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:
Proverbs 12:15
ESRA was proposed by the so-called spiritual left & a group called Red Letter Christians joined by some of the secualr left. It was entered into congress as an amendment for the Constitution in 2011 by ultra left wing then Congressman Dennis Kucinich. The bill didn't make it through committee (this time).
What the bill/amendment was-is a long laundry list of leftist causes to be added to the Constitution. The word "SABBATH" appeared in Article 3, paragraph B1- "the valuing of time in life for rest and Sabbath, inner reflection and meditation and celebration of all the goodness in life, the skills of repentance, forgiveness and compassion, and skills in organizing fellow citizens for non-violent political action and engagement in support of causes not-yet-popular;"
This reference to a "SABBATH" occurs in Article 3 which is all about the environment and how to make people go along with these causes by law. If you read all article 3 you will see that is what is meant by "Causes not-yet-popular"-environmentalism (their version of it). And by "SABBATH", do you think they mean the 7th day? I doubt it......Why is the word "SABBATH" finding its way into any legislation, especially relating to the Constitution?
This ties into the idea posted elsewhere on this blog that the way the Christian Right & Papal Rome get the secular (and spiritual) left to go along with the implementation of the mark of the beast will by  reaching out on the environment-specifically in dealing with so-called man made global warming. (the new PC term is "climate change"). 
One side sets aside a day of worship to appease an angry "Father God" and to get the other side to go along - to appease an angry "Mother Earth". The purpose of these posts is to demonstrate to those who are calling for a change in our eschatology (end of time events) by claiming that with the current secularlism in the U.S. that we could never implement as a holy day the day of the sun. (Such as some academics on the west coast). --well-think again. That is the purpose of these posts on this topic-SEE BELOW
Some of the Psycho-babbel from a
magazine of the spiritual left that
supported ESRA in 2011
But notice that the laundry list of leftist causes in ESRA-- "Climate Change", economic redistribution of money & resources, gun control, limiting free speech by requiring so-called "equal time" in media outlets (a way to silence talk radio, etc), public funding of campaigns, forcing fianancial institutions to direct their money to social & environmental causes (who gives them that right to determine which causes though?), etc......
Notice and compare & contrast-Our CONSTITUTION is a document that limits the power of government-while ESRA expands the power of government and dictates how you live your life and run your business-and even gives you guidelines in how to enjoy your "Sabbath".....
The old global RED (marxism) has been replaced by GREEN (modern evnironmentalism)