Friday, January 25, 2013

Creation Moment 1/26/2013 - Government by Scientocracy?

Time for science to seize political power” blazes a headline on New Scientist by Michael Brooks.
In your wildest dreams, could you imagine a government that builds its policies on carefully gathered scientific evidence? One that publishes the rationale behind its decisions, complete with data, analysis and supporting arguments? Well, dream no longer: that’s where the UK is heading.

But why would they need to “seize” political power instead of use the methods of democracy? If a scientific government sounds appealing, it will not grant equal rights for all. The scientific community is largely controlled by leftists who abhor conservatives and embrace Darwinism, with its principle of survival of the fittest. They also embrace liberal causes like unfettered abortion.  

 Consequently, advocates of scientocracy may have less concern than conservatives about the lives of other humans: the elderly, the mentally ill, the disabled. Ironically, they will promote the rights of criminals to escape punishment on the grounds that evolution made them do what they do. Meanwhile, their idealistic schemes of protecting the planet will undoubtedly severely weaken individual rights and national economies." CEH

 The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God. Corrupt are they,
and have done abominable iniquity:
Psalm 53:1