Friday, October 26, 2012

Who is this Creflo Dollar?

That this is a rebellious people,
lying children,
Hey Creflo...How about the life GOD
wants for His people rather than
what they want?
Just asking......
children that will not hear the law of the LORD:
Which say to the seers,
See not;
and to the prophets,
Prophesy not unto us right things,
speak unto us smooth things,
prophesy deceits:
Isaiah 30:9,10
"Creflo Dollar teaches what would be called corporate confessions, which he believes brings possession. Dollar offers Christians who had thee devil take all their money to get it back. He has the people repeat out loud together at the same time over and over what they need. By corporately saying the same thing out loud together it can more easily convince someone of a message. When you have thousands saying the same thing it becomes like a mass hypnosis. He tells members to repeat, “I want my stuff” and they repeat, “I want my stuff.” “Money come unto me,” they repeat it. His message that you to can be rich, healthy and without trouble in life does have an appeal to many who want a way out of poverty or debt. He offers to them a Jesus that was rich and claims God wants you to be rich too. As they look at his ministry they are under the impression that if it worked for him it should work for them too, after all he tells them it will. He's comes off as a sincere man convinced what he is practicing is right. His intention is to give the people hope in their life’s that may be broken or destroyed from relationships or financial ruin. However good intentions do not justify the means, and success does not justify that what is taught is biblical or from God. The fact is people are given a most unbalanced view of the Scriptures through the prosperity message."

Mug Shot for arrest for assaulting his own daughter
Stay away from his Mega-Church