Friday, October 26, 2012

IN the NEWS - Murder in Mega Church

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapour,
that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away.
James 4:14
"A man calmly walked into a prayer service Wednesday morning at the College Park megachurch founded by televangelist Creflo Dollar and opened fire as 20 to 25 people watched in horror, police said.
Greg McDowell, 39, fell mortally wounded and Floyd Palmer, 52, a former church employee “left just as calmly”as he entered World Changers Church International, said Fulton County police spokeswoman Cpl. Kay Lester said.
Authorities arrested Palmer at Macy’s department store at Lenox Square in Buckhead just before 4 p.m. after his car was spotted at the mall, Lester said.
McDowell, of Union City, was leading the prayer service when he was shot around 10:30 a.m. and later died. Lester said it was not yet clear whether McDowell was targeted by the shooter or shot randomly. McDowell was a member of the church’s production crew and a facilities maintenance manager at the church at 2500 Burdett Road, police said.Lester said Palmer, a former employee had resigned in August for personal reasons,
Dollar was not at the church at the time of the shooting, Lester said.
Lester said Palmer left the scene in a black Subaru station wagon. She said someone spotted Palmer’s car at the mall around 3 p.m. Atlanta police then reviewed mall surveillance video and spotted Palmer on camera. Officials from APD and the U.S. Marshall’s Service took Palmer into custody without incident, Lester said.
Karen Webb, who had taken her mother to the church for Bible study, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that she was told the victim was shot six times. “I brought my mother up here to go to church — every Wednesday she attends Bible study. As soon as we get here I’m told someone has been shot,” Webb said. “He was one of the praise leaders.”
Dollar, a popular televangelist, started World Changers Ministries in 1986 with eight members, holding services in the cafeteria of a local elementary school, according to the church’s website. Its campus now occupies 81 acres, with services held in the 8,500-seat World Dome. Dollar is a regular on the Trinity Broadcasting Network." AtlantaJournal-Constitution

"The victim, 39-year-old Greg McDowell, was a member of the megachurch's production department and also worked with the maintenance department, police reportedly told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. McDowell leaves behind a widow and their two young children.
Dollar called McDowell "a man of faith, a man of God, a man who I have known for a long time," and told those gathered Wednesday night that "now he is absent from the Body and present with the Lord."
Police say Palmer walked into the Fulton County College Park campus reportedly wearing a suit and tie and shot McDowell as he led prayer. Witnesses say the alleged shooter then left the scene in a black Subaru.
During the Wednesday night Bible study, Dollar called both Palmer and McDowell "precious brothers" and laid blame for the tragedy at the devil's door, and referenced John 10:10 while calling the devil a "thief" who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Dollar, who was recently arrested for allegedly physically assaulting one of his daughters, founded  the church currently boasts about 30,000 members."