Sunday, August 5, 2012

SDA Issues - Roots of the Desmond Ford Heresy

Dutch Theologian
G.C. Berkouwer who
influenced with Calvinistic
Reformed Church Theology
the views of Desmond Ford
who apostasized
So what are some of the roots of the Desmond Ford heresy-(opposition to the Sanctuary Doctrine, the false doctrine of forensic justification and his embracing of original sin)?
Some go back to the attempt by SDA theologian Edward Heppenstall to liberalize the Sanctuary Doctrine. But a lot came from studying under the top reformed (Calvinist) theologian of the 50's & 60's over in Holland at the time, G.C. Berkouwer.

This is how things like questiong the geography of the Sanctuary (whether it even exists in heaven) and his preteristic views (such as Antiochus IV Epiphanes is the Little Horn) and of course the concept of original sin entered into his thinking-then spread the poison into the SDA Church culminating in his dismissal.

And let's not forget his expanding of the New Theology taught by Heppenstall. (The New Theology is the progressive SDA's version of "cheap grace"). It is built upon what is called forensic justification which Mr. Ford still likes to go around and preach on to whoever will listen to him. To simplify what it is-it is a watered down form of "once-saved-always-saved". You kinda have to become a complete God-hating atheist to be lost. Sanctification (overcoming sin) is pretty much irrelevant.

Of course if we look to His Sanctuary where He laid out His plan of redemption for all to see-what do you see?----Outer Court (Justification) followed by Inner Court (Sanctification). The two go hand-in-hand as when He so eloquently simplified it to the woman taken in adultery and thrown at His feet--And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: (JUSTIFICATION) go, and sin no more. (SANCTIFICATION)John 8:11

Simply put- For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3 You keep His commandments because your heart is right with God--not because you will be saved by keeping the law--but the irony is that, by breaking His law you sin-and what happens to an unrepentant sinner who does not change? Well we all know the answer-unless you buy into the "cheap grace' of the New Theology and forensic justification preached by Mr. Ford...

Where Desmond Ford misses the boat is that the Justification (outter court) is what is freely done-you can't earn it. So where is he wrong? Sanctification (inner court) has to be part of the equation, for that is the part that involves free will-you have to co-operate with His Spirit in changing. For what good is a judgment if there is no free will? In other words Justification, which comes first, is what God does for you. Sanctification is you surrendering your will to God and by His power overcoming sin. There is NO once-saved-always-saved, or in other words no "cheap grace" or forensic justication of Mr. Ford. What Ford did was attempt to bring Calvinism into the SDA Church.

With Desmond Ford one can hear the rustling of the serpent in the leaves of the trees-for what are the fruits of his apostasy?
The Serpent Rustling in the Leaves of the Tree-
Desmond Ford teachings
1) He shook more people out of the Church than anyone else in SDA history. Some have even gone into out right atheism now (such as Brinsmead). The people who left were people who agreed with his views on eschtalogy, sanctuary and justification. Do you think God shook people OUT of His Church by Calvinistic teachings?
2) He caused the deep fault line/civil war in the Church that stretches down to today with the so-called progressive Adventists and so-called Fordites always challenging the Churches positions. Do you think God divides His Church against itself?
3) He now believes in evolution-so I guess he must believe we are related to monkeys or something.
4) He now views glossolalia (the fake, gibberish speaking in tongues) as possibly being from God. Why can Mr. Ford not see the counterfeits to God's ways for what they are? We are told by his supporters that he was maybe the most "brilliant" scholar in the Church ever....uhm..right...he thinks the Little Horn is Antiouchus IV Epiphanes for starters...I hear that serpent rustling in the leaves of the trees...

True Righteousnee by Faith is both JUSTIFICATION followed by SANCTIFICATION
    (read the  book of James)
In 1888 at Minneapolis Waggoner & Jones were right. In 1952 Heppenstall was wrong...sorry...

“The Sanctuary in heaven is the very center of Christ's work in behalf of man. It concerns every soul living upon the earth. It opens to view the plan of redemption, bringing us down to the very close of time and revealing the triumphant issue of the contest between righteousness and sin. It is of the utmost importance that all should thoroughly investigate these subjects and be able to give an answer to everyone that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them.” 
Great Controversy, p.488. E.G.W.