Monday, July 9, 2012

Truth about Scientology

What Scientology seems to be, is a mix of an atheistic and new age approach to saving the earth....which includes a type of reincarnation (in other words, the recycled lie of the immortality of the soul, first told by the serpent to Eve) as well as a pantheistic view that this godlike force, whatever it is, is in nature itself...

"The basic belief of Scientology is that experience, in this or in previous lives, is recorded in the brain as a series of "engrams." These engrams are revived and reinforced by recurring similar situations and always cause inappropriate and self-defeating behavior. One's goal of Scientology is to "process" or clear these engrams and become more self-determining. By erasing these accretions from one's present and past lives, one releases the essential, spiritual self or soul called the "thetan."
The nature of the Supreme Being is revealed personally through each individual as s/he becomes more conscious and spiritually aware. There exists a life energy or force (Theta) beyond and within all.

There are no particular human incarnations of God, as the universal life force (Theta) is inherent in all. All humans are immortal spiritual beings (thetans) capable of realizing a nearly godlike state through Scientology practices.

All is manifestation of the universal spirit, which is all that actually exists. Rebirths continue until one consciously confronts all pre-birth, current-life, and previous-life traumas. Thus realizing one's true nature as a "thetan," an immortal spirit--transcending matter, energy, space, and time. Achieving this state enables the spirit to escape the cycle of birth and death to operate independently of the physical universe and become one with God.

Painful experiences and harmful acts in one's prebirth, current, and past lives become imprinted in the reactive mind and lead to irrational behavior. Departures from rational thought and untrue ideas ("aberrations") can result in wrongdoing

An Operating Thetan is a spirit who can control matter, energy, space, time, thought, and life. Practitioners ("Auditors") are regarded as ministers and counselors who assist others to achieve self-enlightenment. Auditors help others to identify their prebirth, current, and past-life disturbances, which are obstacles to happiness and spiritual enlightenment."
"Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature. The story of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by Hubbard. (Hubbard, the founder, had made a career as a sci-fi author...hmmm.... so thats how he came up with the alien aspect for his church?).  Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counseling known as "auditing", in which practitioners aim to re-experience consciously painful or traumatic events in their past, in order to free themselves of their limiting effects." Wikipedia

Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey,
to shed blood,
and to destroy souls,
to get dishonest gain.
Ezekiel 22:7