Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Creation Moment 7/11/2012 - Evolution and German colonial Africa

Recently the skulls of the Herero & Nama tribal people have been returned to Namibia (German South West Africa in colonial times) from Germany. The skulls were the result of evolutionary thinking among the German elite in the government. There was a holocaust under Kaiser Wilhem II (Kaiser during World War 1). Between 1904 & 1908 about 80% of the Herero were sent to concentration camps (and starved to death) or outright butchered by General Lothar Von Trotha.

The fighting erupted primarily over land rights, the raping of women by German soldiers and rumors of possible concentration camps to be set up. The African leader gave orders not to kill Englishmen, Boers (people of Dutch descent from South Africa) or missionaries. General Von Trotha arrived from Germany in June at the head of 14,000 troops to quash the tribes. A few Africans escaped to British territories and were granted asylum. Many women and children were forced into the desert on purpose so as to die of thirst. For the ones in concentration camps they actually pre-printed death certificates for being worked to death. The worst camp was on Shark Island, where even babies were whipped and the dead were sent out to sea for the sharks to consume.

The German evolutionary/eugenics scientist Eugen Fischer was sent in to do live experiments on the prisoners by testing with injections of smallpox, TB and typhus. He called the mulatto children to be those of a lesser racial quality. He would later serve the Nazi Party of Hitler. His EVOLUTIONARY thinking and research led him to become a strong advocate for the extermination of "inferior" races.
The skulls were sent to Germany to study the "less evolved" races.... German settlers referred to these people there as "baboons", based on evolutionary thinking of the day.

The German govenor wanted only the large tribal military forces defeated on the battlefield then negotiate a peace treaty. But General Von Trotha had given orders to kill any Herero within the borders of the German colony and forced widows to shave the skin off the skulls. This became the first genocide of the 20th century.
The skulls were discovered by a reporter in a medical history museum. This use of the skulls for evolutionary research was used as the basis for the holocaust by Hitler in later years.

General Von Trotha wrote "I destroy the African tribes with streams of blood... Only following this cleansing can something new emerge, which will remain."

    Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily,
therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do
Ecclesiastes 8:11

...for it is written,
Vengeance is mine;
I will repay, saith the Lord.
 Romans 12:19