Saturday, June 23, 2012

Creation Moment 6/24/2012 - Turtles caught in the act

"Fossil turtles have been caught having sex, the first known case of animals with backbones found copulating in the fossil record, researchers say.
The mating turtles may have been caught in a death trap as they sank to deeper layers of the lake, where they were having sex nearly 50 million years ago, the researchers speculate. The lake's deep layers may have held deadly volcanic gases or other toxins.
Scientists made their discovery at the Messel Pit in Germany, which once was a deep volcanic crater lake in a wet, tropical environment. (pre-flood earth?) The pit was a quarry originally mined for the oil in the shale there; but over the years, it has become the richest site in the world for understanding the living environment of the Eocene, the epoch between 57 million and 36 million years ago (sure, whatever) when mammals began conquering the planet. Animals there included early horses, reptiles, primates, honeybees, giant ants and countless birds and bats."  YahooNews

Could it be that they were caught by the flood...and the reason that there are "giant" ants, honeybees, reptiles, horses, bats, birds, because they were created as is and it is simply the anti-deluvian (pre-flood) world? As for "giant" ants- There were giants in the earth in those days; Genesis 6:4