Friday, June 22, 2012

Codex Sinaiticus

So what is Codex Sinaiticus and why is it so important?

"As the name indicates, this manuscript was found on Mt. Sinai, in St Catherine's monastery. It is impossible to say how long it had been there, but this codex, coming from the fourth century, is certainly older than the monastery (founded in the sixth century). In the 19th century it was identified by the indefatigable German scholar Tischendorf and brought to Europe in instalments. Photography has enabled scholars to put all the pieces back together again and produce a modern facsimile of this Greek Bible, which contains all of the New Testament (the oldest surviving manuscript to do so) and a large portion of the Greek Old Testament. Because of its age and the sheer volume of its contents this manuscript is one of the most important witnesses to the text of the New Testament coming from the early period of textual transmission and it is a rich source for studies on the technique of copying, of making large manuscripts, and of scribal habits." TyndaleHouse
I do not want to seem to be trying to frighten you with my letters.
2 Corinthians 10:9