Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Creation Moment 3/6/2025 - Duel of the Timelines

"Evolutionists realize that billions years of time is essential for particles-to-people evolution, although that while long ages are necessary for evolution, they are not sufficient.
This includes the belief of modern evolutionary geologists that the earth is 4.543 billion years old.: man’s existence is in such a tiny segment at the end of a 5-billion-year time-line that it has to be diagrammatically magnified twice to show up.

On the other hand, basing one’s ideas on the Bible gives a very different picture. The Bible states that man was made six days after creation, about 6,000 years ago. So a time-line of the world constructed on Biblical data would have man almost at the beginning, not the end.

Also, Christians, by definition, take the statements of Jesus Christ seriously. He said: ‘But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female’ (Mark 10:6), which would make sense with the proposed Biblical time-line, but is diametrically opposed to the Evolution time-line."