Monday, March 3, 2025

Creation Moment 3/4/2025 - Darwin’s Imagineers at Penn State

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,... 
Romans 1:22

"Does planetary evolution favor human-like life? (Penn State University, 14 Feb 2025). There is zero evidence of life beyond Earth. None. Zilch. Nada. But that doesn’t stop Darwin’s imagineers from speculating about evolution over the entire universe. According to a “study” at Penn State (did they study hard?) their research, analyzing zero data, “ups the odds that we are not alone.” So powerful is the Stuff Happens Law in their imaginary reality, they dreamed up a new worldview that “proposes that humans — and analogous life beyond Earth — may represent the probable outcome of biological and planetary evolution.”

Q: How, then, can the Penn State imagineers be so confident that life and intelligence are flourishing all over the cosmos? 
---For one thing, they simply reject the “hard steps” theory. This is the idea that evolving intelligence is an incredibly improbable event. But if they had read our online book or this book or watched this short Illustra video, they would have known better than to permit such outlandish, radically unscientific notions into their imaginations.

By simply assuming evolution is omnipotent and purposeful, their imaginations became as free as winged unicorns, flying to heights of speculation unmatched at Disneyland. Their kind of dice-rolling is called a “model” and works best at a high perhapsimaybecouldness index setting. One psychological side effect of turning up this dial is euphoria, causing one to blather in the excitement of untethered possibility thinking."