Sunday, March 2, 2025

Creation Moment 3/3/2025 - Same Old battle

"The creation, evolution, and age of the earth clash is not ultimately about a person’s view of origins or the age of the earth. 
It’s really a clash between God’s Word and man’s fallible word—a battle over whether our worldview is built on God’s Word (and if we take it as written, as we need to) or man’s word. 
It’s a battle over our starting points
But we need to be reminded that “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 
This is the same old battle that’s been going on since God told Adam not to eat the fruit of one tree (Genesis 2:17), and Satan tempted Eve to question God’s Word (Genesis 3:1) and declared that Adam and Eve could be their own gods—to decide “truth” for themselves (Genesis 3:5)." 
Ken Ham