Monday, February 24, 2025

The Law, Oracles and Testimony handed down

"The remarks of Bro. Miller in his Lecture on the Great Sabbath, I like very well, because I believe they are true. 
In speaking of the Sabbath he says: "Its being contained in the ten commands, written by the finger of God, on both tables of the testimony, graven on stone, to be a sign forever, and a perpetual covenant, proves, in my opinion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that it is as binding upon the Christian church as upon the Jewish, and in the same manner, and for the same reason."

Now another question will evidently arise: 
Q: Who are the children of Israel? 
A: I answer, while the first covenant was standing, they were the children of Jacob, descendants of the twelve tribes; —but that covenant they broke. This covenant was broken as Moses had foretold. 
--Then Jesus Christ brought in a new covenant which continued the sign of the Sabbath, and prepared another people, by writing His law upon their hearts. These now are the true Israel;

Therefore Paul argues the circumcision of the heart, and says that… Romans 9:6-8 ...they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:  Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall your seed be called;  That is, They which are they children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. Now if the children of God are the true Israel, and if the Sabbath was given as a sign forever, and a perpetual covenant.

I say, and I believe I am supported by the Bible, that the moral law was never given to the Jews as a people exclusively, but they were for a reason the keepers of it in charge.
And through them the law, oracles and testimony, have been handed down to us." 
T.M. Preble