Thursday, February 27, 2025

Creation Moment 2/28/2025 - Truth about Darwin Defenders

And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. 1 Corinthians 3:20

"Darwinian evolution has never been simply a theory in science. 
If it had been, it would have been much easier to discuss. 
--For one thing, its defects would not have been nearly so widely ignored or stoutly defended. 
--Doubters would not be so intensely attacked and persecuted.
The reconstructions are often based more on the biases of the
researchers than on anything truly objective. 
And the field is known for its strong personalities competing with one another to make a name for themselves and snag fresh grant money for future additional field research. In 2002, 
Mark Davis, who interviewed several paleontologists for a PBS documentary, remarked, “Each Neanderthal expert thought that the last one I talked to was an idiot, if not an actual Neanderthal.” MindMatters