Thursday, February 20, 2025

Creation Moment 2/21/2025 - "tov meod" leaves NO ROOM for a "Gap Theory"

"Genesis 1:31 says, ‘And God saw every thing that He had made, and behold it was very good.’ [The Hebrew is tov meod, which indicates perfection, a complete absence of evil of any kind, as Calvin and many other commentators have pointed out.] 
This is hardly an accurate description, if there were billions of ‘Lucifer-flood’ fossils with the marks of disease, violence, death, and decay, corresponding to the perishing of an entire pre-Adamic race and the extinction of a complete world of animals, with Adam and Eve walking around on top of buried fossils, how could God have called all this ‘very good’?
(In their monumental Old Testament commentary, Keil and Delitzsch
say about ‘
very good’ in Genesis 1:31: ‘everything was perfect in its kind … the existence of anything evil in the creation of God is absolutely denied, and the hypothesis entirely refuted, that the six days’ work merely subdued and fettered an ungodly, evil principle, which had already forced its way into it.’) 
Exodus 20:11 says, ‘For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is …’ 
This is the definitive verse outside Genesis concerning the time frame of creation. 
It states categorically that God created everything in six days. 
There is just no allowance for a gap."