Wednesday, January 1, 2025

OBSERVATION: 3 Contracts of Humans & the DIVINE

Whatever you, dear reader, think of as the starting point of the world and human history----rather that you were created in the image of a God who spoke the universe into existence For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made... so that they are without excuse: (Romans 1:20
---OR---whether you think there is no "god", so you become your own "god" to decide morality, and that the universe popped into existence by accident then somehow life came about and followed an evolutionary process of survival of the fittest over millions of years
---OR---whether you are some kind of Nazi and believe Odin created fire & ice, and that the friction from the collision of that fire & ice created the spark that started the world followed by an evolutionary process of humans coming from monkeys, except for Jews from still believe in a starting point. So let's go to the starting point---regardless of which you choose to believe.

Ripped from the Pages of History:
I. The Contract of the DIVINE:
From the dawn of humanity until the 21st century (WW 1 being the
dividing line) all humanity has tended to share a social contract of a
DIVINE being of some kind who sets up laws. 
Granted not all followed the DIVINE principles or abused the name of their DIVINE for power. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked... (Jeremiah 17:9).
But that is precisely why they would invoke the name of the DI
to rule, such as absolute monarchs in both ancient and medieval times, because the concept of the DIVINE held sway with the masses all the world over.
Of course many set up their own brand of the DIVINE as they turned away from the actual God over time. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. (Romans 1:23).

II. The Contract of Statism: 
Beginning with WW1, then escalating following WW2, the 21st century saw mankind globally shift from relying on the DIVINE to relying on man himself to fix the world via STATISM
We could come together via a State as a collective group and right
wrongs (such as the Nuremberg Trials or War Crime Tribunals) or determine our global destiny.
We split into two camps--the Communist Camp and the Western Camp. 
Within the Communist Camp we simply set up a politburo, or a Marxist Dictator, who would totally set aside the DIVINE and run things for us in an atheistic godless state---for the collectives
"common good".
In the Western Camp we maintained the concepts of personal freedom but still set a STATIST system, just one that we could vote out and replace with another if we wanted to---for our "common good".
Globally we set up this STATIST system like the League of Nations, the United Nations, the European Union, or the private sector elites with the likes of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates Foundation, etc. We set aside the DIVINE and decided we (humans) will take care (charge) of things.
Q: But in our enlightened ways where has this led?
A: More corruption of the elites, more coercion of human thought (even in the West---see recently Trudeau's response to Canadian
truckers protesting government 
overreach on COVID, the recent Dutch government of Rutte vs. their farmers, Starmer's treatment of Brits and their social media posts, Big Tech Censorship on behalf of government narratives, etc.) the slaughter of the unborn on the Altar of Self via abortion enshrined as a right, mutilation via Transgenderism of bodies that a God who loves them gave them promoted in the Public Arena, etc. 
The World Turned UPSIDE DOWN: They have created a world
that does NOT exist -- a world
VOID OF REALITY -- where boys can become girls and girls become boys. Where people are appointed the highest levels of government, such as the U.S. Supreme Court, who don't know what the definition of a woman is because they are not a "biologist".
OBSERVATION: The world under human leadership has only degenerated and we keep racking up body bags---from east Europe to the Mideast to Africa and beyond.
But with the human hearts desire for worship we have ended up, at
least in the Public Arena Globally, worshipping the
Mother Earth in place of the Father God, the creation in place of a Creator. For the Green Religion seems to be the Global Religion these days---ORGANIZED just like a Religion with:
Eschatology: We are all going to melt due to Climate Change or drown from rising ocean levels due to melting polar caps.
Soteriology: Become JUSTIFIED by going Green and thereby SANCTIFIED by recycling, car pooling, etc.
False Prophets: Such as ALL the FAILED PROPHECIES and dates set from the Amazon Rain Forests would be gone within a decade (set in the mid 90's) to the 1977 prediction that in 25 years the world would be out of fossil fuel to Al Gores 10 years prediction to Environmental Armageddon (which ended years ago) and the list could go on.
Holy Days: Earth Day. Arbor Day.
High Priest: Al Gore.
TV Evangelist: Greta Thunberg.
Tithing: Carbon Tax.
Missionary Work: Sierra Club.
Youth Groups: Green Peace.
Jihadists: The ELF, the Extinction Rebellion, etc.
--*--Now plug into the Green mix Laudato Si' of the Papacy--the calling for setting aside a day to honor the Father God in the context of reducing our so-called "carbon footprint" for Mother Earth..
When humans congregated together too much they rebelled - And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; Genesis 11:4,9.

III. The Contract of Scientism (Technology) Oracle of AI:
This century, known as the 21st, we are now entering a 3rd contract--that of Scientism via Technology or more specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI). 
Our global collective subconscious seems to be growing weary or
lazy and are looking to another source---other than the
DIVINE--- to the Oracle of AI
There are even some calling for AI to pick our leaders for us. AI can make our world right they think. A push to gradually move from Statism to Scientism. In other words Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Romans 1:21/2 Timothy 3:2.
Q: Will their precious Oracle of AI back the beast in the End Times? .... and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3.
OBSERVATION: The rapid emergence of 2 new Human Contracts worldwide in just a century, as it relates to the DIVINE, must be leading somewhere for a reason. can discern the face of the sky; 
but can ye not discern the signs of the times
Matthew 16:3
"Great changes are soon to take place in our world, 
and the final movements will be rapid ones.