Wednesday, January 29, 2025

IN the NEWS - EEKE pushes Sunday in Greece

And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2 Peter 2:2

"Whether they know it or not,
labor unions are serving the interests of Rome. Rome will use anyone to further its Sunday agenda. While apostate church leaders will seek to justify Sunday-keeping through so-called moral and spiritual support, labor unions perform the dirty work of engaging in chaos, disruptions, and fighting. In Greece, labor unions today are pressuring authorities and employers to keep Sunday work-free.

On January 16, 2025, To Vima, a news media company in Athens, Greece, published an article about how trade unions are calling for Sunday shopping restrictions and are arguing that Sunday store openings violate the fundamental rights of workers.

To Vima published the following:
The Working Consumers of Greece (EEKE) is urging consumers to avoid shopping on Sundays as part of a broader effort to restore balance in the retail sector and protect workers’ rights.”
According to EEKE, the opening of stores on Sundays creates conditions that favor monopolistic practices, undermining healthy competition and inevitably driving many small and medium-sized businesses to closure.”
Additionally, EEKE argued that Sunday openings disrupt personal and family life, violating fundamental labor rights that are both constitutionally guaranteed and the result of hard-fought battles by workers.”
In its statement, the Union is urging consumers to support businesses that remain closed on Sundays. Their campaign slogan reads: “Sunday Closed! I Don’t Shop – I Don’t Work!

It is not a coincidence that labor unions have designated Sunday as the day for workers to have time off for rest, family, and friends. The unions are simply joining the chorus of those calling for Sunday to become the universal day of rest for all people. In other words, this is a public call to increase awareness for Sunday closings."