Wednesday, January 1, 2025

IN the NEWS - Doctors of Death

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth.... Genesis 6:5

"Brieanna Charlebois reported for the Canadian Press on December 19 that a Vancouver man who was on a psychiatric day pass died by euthanasia at Ellen Wiebe’s clinic:
The family of a 52-year-old man who received medical assistance in
Ellen Wiebe
dying while on a day pass from a Vancouver hospital’s psychiatric ward has launched a constitutional challenge to the procedure’s legal framework.

The case filed in the B.C. Supreme Court says the businessman and father of three, who had chronic back pain and long-term mental illness, suffered wrongful death in December 2022.
This is not the first court case involving Ellen Wiebe, a Vancouver euthanasia doctor who is known for killing more Canadians by euthanasia, than any other doctor.
A British Columbia judge halted the euthanasia death of a woman from Alberta who was scheduled to be euthanized by Dr Ellen Wiebe on Sunday October 27, 2024." 