Sunday, January 5, 2025

Creation Moment 1/6/2025 - Your Bio-Chemical "TIME" Switches

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Scientists recreated
molecular switches that regulate biological timing, aiding nanotechnology.
Living organisms monitor time – and react to it – in many different ways, from detecting light and sound in microseconds to responding physiologically in pre-programmed ways, via their daily sleep cycle, monthly menstrual cycle, or to changes in the seasons.

These time-sensitive reactions are enabled by molecular switches or nanomachines that function as precise molecular timers, programmed to activate or deactivate in response to environmental cues and time intervals.

In groundbreaking research, scientists at Université de Montréal have replicated and validated two distinct mechanisms that control both the activation and deactivation rates of nanomachines, demonstrating how these processes operate across multiple timescales in living systems.

Biomolecular switches or nanomachines, typically made of proteins or nucleic acids, are the nuts and bolts of the machinery of life. They perform thousands of key functions, including chemical reactions, transporting molecules, stocking energy, and enabling movement and growth.

To unravel the mystery behind these two mechanisms and their functioning, researchers have successfully recreated a simple molecular “door” using DNA. Although DNA is mostly known for its ability to encode the genetic code of living organisms, several bioengineers have also started to use its simple chemistry to fabricate objects in nanoscale.
Compared to protein, DNA is a highly programmable and versatile molecule,” said Dominic Lauzon, an associate researcher in chemistry at UdeM. 
It’s like the Lego blocks of chemistry that allow us to build whatever we have in mind at the nanoscale.”

They found that the “door handle” (induced-fit) switch activates and deactivates a thousand times faster because the activating molecule provides the energy to accelerate door opening. 
By contrast, the much slower switch with no handle (conformational selection) can be programmed to open at much slower rates by simply increasing the strength of the interactions maintaining the door closed.

We have found that we can in fact program switches rates activation from hours to seconds simply by designing molecular handles” explained first author Carl Prévost-Tremblay a graduate biochemistry student." 