Thursday, January 16, 2025

Creation Moment 1/17/2025 - Gene Complexity

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Genes are found on both strands of the double-stranded DNA molecule. 

Their complexity has many facets. 

First, the boundaries of what can be called a single gene and its complete set of functions are becoming increasingly hard to delineate. Entire chromosomes and genomes are a continuum of pervasive and overlapping transcription (copying DNA into RNA).
Recent discoveries have revealed that the genes of many plants and animals are not like single entities at all but are a mixture of genes within genes and even genes that overlap each other. 
The regulatory control regions of genes, called promoters, can be shared by two completely different genes whose transcriptions run in opposite directions from each other.
Enhancer (regulatory) elements that also play an important role in regulating gene function can be up to a million bases away from the gene they regulate. As if this weren’t enough, many genes function both forward and backward at the same time, producing both sense and antisense transcripts. 
The regulatory sequences of genes can also be located inside other nearby genes, and researchers have determined that genes dynamically interact with each other in “gene neighborhoods” much more than previously believed, to the point of blurring the boundaries between them.

Second, the informational output provided by genes can change depending on different circumstances that include cell type, tissue type, and other stimuli such as the external environment.
In the genome, both the DNA molecule itself and the histone proteins that the DNA molecule is packaged around can be chemically altered or tagged. The study of these chemical tags is called epigenetics or chromatin remodeling. 
In addition to genes having overlapping boundaries and alternate functions, the information the genes provide is epigenetically altered by the cellular machinery to allow just the right output for the situational need at hand.

When evolutionists talk about creatures sharing the same genes, they are typically referring to very small segments of the genes’ DNA. And in most cases, they specifically mean the protein-coding segments inside genes called exons—not the whole segment of DNA that is actually responsible for producing the information needed to make the correct version of the protein and RNA specific to each creature kind at the right time and in the correct amount.

Q: But what about all the other expressed DNA sequences in the genome besides protein-coding segments? 
Q: Can they be called genes, too? 

Amazingly, there are more than twice as many long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes in the human genome as there are protein-coding genes. These lncRNA genes produce long RNAs that are used either structurally or functionally in the cell for many different purposes. In fact, many of these are turning out to be molecules that control and regulate protein-coding genes."