Wednesday, December 11, 2024

IN the NEWS - Luciferian Savagery

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.....The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked....
John 8:44/Jeremiah 17:9

"Yet another gruesome gang horror has played out in Haiti, as at least 184 people -- most of them elderly -- were variously slashed, hacked or shot to death on the orders of a warlord who'd been advised that aging slum residents had used sorcery to give his son a severe illness. Interim Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé called it “a barbaric act of unbearable cruelty.”
The brutality was reportedly ordered by Monel "Mikano" Felix, who leads the
Wharf Jeremie gang. The carnage took place on Friday and Saturday in the densely-populated seaside slum of Cité Soleil, a neighborhood in the capital city of Port-au-Prince which The Guardian has called Haiti's "most notorious slum...Much of the slum is an open sewer...infant children bathe in water contaminated with sewage. The stench is unbearable."
Felix's son had contracted a serious illness, and he sought the counsel of a Voodoo priest, or "bòkò," who advised the murderous warlord that elderly people in the gang's area of operations were harming his son through the use of witchcraft
He decided to cruelly punish all the elderly people and Vodou practitioners who, in his imagination, might be capable of sending an evil spell to his son,” said Haiti's Committee for Peace and Development in a statement reported by the Haitian Times.
Members of the gang surrounded the neighborhood, then proceeded to search the shacks for people over 60 years old, who were then hacked with
machetes, slashed with knives and shot with guns
The victims included some younger people who tried to defend the gang's elderly targets. 
---Bodies were dragged into the streets where they were mutilated and torched, filling the neighborhood with a foul stench of death
*Felix's ailing son died as the massacre was being carried out." 