Saturday, December 14, 2024

Creation Moment 12/15/2024 - Groaning of Wisdom Teeth

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Romans 8:22

wisdom teeth, which usually erupt around ages 17–25, often need to be removed because they do not have sufficient room to emerge and so get caught on existing teeth (impaction). 
The major reason for problems with wisdom teeth today is most likely diet rather than any genetic changes.
The human diet, particularly in the industrialized world, has become softer and more processed, which results in the jaw being subject to much less force during development, causing changes in jaw shape. Therefore, there is less room in the gum for wisdom teeth to break through without causing problems.

Spinney also says, ‘… perhaps as many as 35 per cent of people have no wisdom teeth at all, suggesting that we may be on an evolutionary trajectory to losing them altogether.’ 
Even if this were true, it provides no support for evolution because evolution requires new structures to arise naturalistically. 
---Rather, loss of teeth is just another example of degeneration, which fits perfectly within the Biblical worldview of Creation and Fall."